KLEZMER FEST with lead artist Ilana Cravitz, Oct 13th - 16th 2022
Thank you to everyone who came along to help make our first 'Klezmer Fest' a great success and a go with such a swing. Special thanks to our lead artist - the indefatigable Ilana Cravitz who we met earlier in the year at a folk event at Halsway Manor and who we were delighted to invite down to Cornwall.
Internationally reknowned Klezmer Fiddler, performer, researcher, author and dancer Ilana Cravitz was joined on Thursday evening by locally based Storyteller Liz Berg who told us Jewish music-related stories collected in the British Isles. To kick the weekend off, Ilana treated us to an erudite illustrated lecture on the roots and variety of Klezmer including examples played (exquisitely!) on her violin. Over the rest of the weekend she gave us a taste of how to sing, play and dance this beautiful music from Jewish Eastern Europe. On Sunday morning, in the Musicians' workshop (including Fiddles, 'cello, accordions, clarinets, saxophone, guitar ...) Ilana gave us insights into the complex ornamentation and underlying rhythms which give authentic Klezmer its character and lift. In the afternoon she managed to get a village hall full of dancers of all ages and differing levels of experience smiling, laughing and dancing to the beautiful melodies. What a weekend - thank you one and all! Comments from participants: An inspired teacher ... great fun .. relaxed atmosphere A wonderful introduction to such a rich tradition I enjoyed learning the ornaments and accompaniment Great to have live music Come back soon ... I would love to do more! |