Fab LaB - a 'free range' version of Levow an Bys for C-19 times
Thank you for registering to sing with the 'Fab LaB' which is basically 'Levow an Bys during C-19 times', singing in whatever guise we can manage. Currently we are raising our voices in gentle, socially distanced harmony, singing songs from around the world under the high polytunnel roof of the outdoor cafe area at Trevena Crosse Nurseries, Breage TR13 9PY 7.00 - 8.30pm on Friday (25th June) then Wednesdays 30/6; 7/7 & 14/7. After that - watch this space ... as we follow government guidelines and regulations. (Click here if you would like to read the Risk Assessment).
Booking in advance is essential (if you haven't booked in advance but would like to come, please contact Pip who will let you know if / when there is a space). If you are coming ... please: print off and bring with you MUSIC and LYRICS for the sessions (Click HERE to access) NB ... for obvious reasons I will not be able to provide copies for singers.
In order to minimise risk, we will have set out the correct number of chairs in advance and positioned them in a socially distanced manner.
Please read the all the instructions below carefully and follow them to the letter to keep things clear and everyone as safe as possible:
Booking in advance is essential (if you haven't booked in advance but would like to come, please contact Pip who will let you know if / when there is a space). If you are coming ... please: print off and bring with you MUSIC and LYRICS for the sessions (Click HERE to access) NB ... for obvious reasons I will not be able to provide copies for singers.
In order to minimise risk, we will have set out the correct number of chairs in advance and positioned them in a socially distanced manner.
Please read the all the instructions below carefully and follow them to the letter to keep things clear and everyone as safe as possible:
- Please help take responsibility for yourself and others: If you or anyone you live with has had C-19 symptoms in the last 7 days: a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, a loss of or change to your sense of smell or taste; or you have been asked to isolate by Test, Track and Trace do not attend.
- Please park in the overflow car park and use the side gate to access the garden centre (NB this will be closed once we are singing). Please arrive between 6.45 - 6.55pm
- Please wear a mask / face covering at all times when moving around. If you wish to wear one when singing that is fine (we did a trial - it's not as bad as you might think). NB Pip will not be wearing a mask when leading singing, but will be at 3 metres distance from nearest singer.
- You will be greeted and checked in by a volunteer.
- Please enter the 'singing area' from behind through the wide passage between the chairs in the middle of the set up, and move to your chosen chair (in your section) passing by the minimum of other singers.
- Please bring with you: water, sanitiser, mask / face covering, warm layers for later when it gets chilly any lyrics / music you need.
- When you arrive there will be (specially made!) bean bags placed on the chairs, colour coded for different voice sections: Basses - Scarlet, Tenors - Turqoise, Altos - Purple, Sopranos - Sky blue... take your seat, settle in and resist the urge to mingle!
- If you develop Covid-19 symptoms in the 7 days following a rehearsal and test positive you MUST use the Test, Track and Trace system to alert others with who you have been in contact. Please also inform Pip on 07899 890 214 so the Hall booking secretary can be informed.
- Please remember that while we are excited at the prospect of being able to sing in person and we will do everything we can to keep the sessions as Covid 19-secure as possible, your health (and that of the people you live with) is your responsibility so please make the right choice for you as to whether to attend or not.
- Well - if you've got to number 10 - Bravo! ... and I look forward to seeing you for a lovely sing soon. A big thank you to everyone who has volunteered to helping out at the sessions - we need to work as a team to make this possible - your help and support is really appreciated.