Fab LaB 6 - 20th May 2020Resources for this session (FaB LaB 6):
Arrive at 7.00pm - singing session starts 7.15pm This week's invitation / challenge:
Hill an' Gully Rider, Hill an' Gully (x 2) You'd better bend down low down, Hill an Gully (x 2) Lyrics for warm up round: I don't care if the sun don't shine, I'm gonna dance all day (x 2) Hey Ho carry me away, I'm gonna dance all day (x 2) |
Thanks to Alyson for the screen shots of FaB LaB 5... and to everyone who entertained us in the break - Anthea with her father's poignant poem from the war, Peter with his 'paws' for a joke and Sally - with her 'Show and Tell' ... and a challenge!